With all due to respect to the Republicans who were as overjoyed as I was (for different reasons, of course) by Sarah Palin's nomination to the McCain ticket last year, Green Apple is donating 100% of the profits from sales of Sarah Palin's
Going Rogue: An American Life to the
Alaska Wildlife Alliance.

For a respectful and professional review of the book, instead of our touchy-feely knee-jerk urban liberalism, see Michiko Kakutani's
review in the
New York Times.
Do you mean people are actually going to buy this book??? Say it isn't so.
Yeah, @Pamela, they are. San Francisco ain't what it used to be.
I only wish I had thought of this first and worked at a place that would do something similar. A big "hell yeah" and roof raise to the Green Apple. Way to make a positive out of this.
Since when is the New York Times opinion section "professional" or "respectful" to anyone on the other side of the aisle? You have to be kidding, right?
Hey "Anonymous"- The book was reviewed by their book reviewer, not their op-ed writers.
Bravo Green Apple Books!!!! How perfectly clever.
Fabulous! I love Green Apple Books.
The best!
Great Idea !
I won't buy the book but thanks to your idea will donate.
Thank you for doing this !!
Sadly my mother (from the good ol' midwest) requested this book for Christmas. I firmly told her I would not support Sarah Palin by purchasing her book. However, I'd love to purchase it from Green Apple Books and print out your pledge of donating 100% of the profits to Alaksa Wildlife Alliance. But I live in Seattle now so can I place an order online?
Well played, Green Apple!
Love, GA! Still my favorite book store, 6 years after I discovered it when I moved for a short time to 5th & Anza.
Palin and her silly ghost-written doorstop....sheesh. I will leave it at that.
I ALMOST might buy a copy just for that reason! I consider it for the next time we run out of toilet paper.
Sounds like an interesting read.
No, not soglalsen with commentary, hunting a man because he is a predator
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